How Do I Find a Pet Sitter Near Me?

How do I find a pet sitter near me?

If you’re asking yourself the question “how do I find a pet sitter near me?”, you are not alone. Millions of people travel every day and about 68% of US households own pets. That’s a lot of people needing a pet sitter. If you’re like us, you consider your pets to be part of the family and leaving them can be hard. So, how do you know how to find a reputable pet sitter in your area? We’re sharing our top ways to find your perfect forever pet sitter.

Ask A Friend

Friends and family are a great resource for finding service providers. They can give you an honest heart felt opinion of a company that you can trust. Usually, once someone finds a pet sitter they love they will stick with them for years. These people are usually super excited to share their pet sitters info with new potential clients. So ask them.


Check the “Next Door” App

The NEXT DOOR app or is a relatively new app that allows communities to come together for a variety of reasons. For the most part, it was created to be a virtual neighborhood watch. Over time is has grown to include all sorts of categories including recommendations. Many users will ask their neighbors who they use for pet sitting. Using the app, you can search through previously asked questions and recommendations or ask for you own.

Use Google or Yelp

Google is great for searching for any and everything, but did you know it’s also a great way to check reviews. Most reputable companies have a google page that shows their business info as well as their customer reviews. Yelp is another good site to check, although it seems  people review restaurants more than service providers. Most reputable pet sitting companies will have at least a few reviews on yelp.

Ask Another Pet Sitter

Maybe you happen to know another pet sitter, but they don’t service your area. That’s OK, they can still be a great referral source. Most local pet sitters belong to pet sitter associations or facebook groups. This way they get to know other pet sitters and can refer them to clients that are not in their service area.

Now that your armed with some great ways to find a perfect pet sitter, tell us about it. Let us know one thing you love about your pet sitter in the comments below. You can also share how you found them. Was it using one of our tips?



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