Halloween Pet Safety Tips

Halloween Pet Safety

Halloween can be an exciting day for you and your pets, especially if they love to dress up! As with any holiday though, there can be dangers. Follow our Halloween pet safety tips so you don’t have to spoil your fun with a trip to the vet.



Pets love anything they aren’t suppose have, this includes candies and chocolates.  If you plan to hand out candy to trick-or-treaters keep it somewhere that the fur kids can’t get it.

Halloween Dog Tips - Las Vegas


Handing out candy to the kids can be fun. However, chasing your dog or cat down the street every time someone rings the bell is not. Consider putting up gates or keep your pets in another room when handing out treats.

Halloween Pets - Candy and Kids


While we never advise leaving pets outside unattended, some people allow cats to be indoor/outdoor. During certain holidays it’s best to keep outdoor cats and backyard dogs inside. Halloween can bring out the weirdos and they have been known to do some pretty scary and sadistic things to neighborhood pets. It’s best keep them inside.

Halloween Las Vegas - Pets stay inside


If you have kids you may want to bring your four legged friend out to trick-or-treat with the family. This sounds great, but make sure you keep them on a leash. Kids and pets don’t always mix. Even if your pet is friendly another kid or pet may not be. You want to have control of the situation. Safety first!

Halloween Dog Leash Tips


Most pets love new adventures even if it’s just the adventure of seeing new people. It can be exhausting and we know tired pets are happy pets. Enjoy a spooky furry fun time and follow these Halloween Pet Safety tips.  Send us your best Halloween pet photos for a chance to be featured on our social media! Kristen@littlewhitedogco.com

Kristen is a local pet expert and owner of Little White Dog Co. Pet Services in Las Vegas



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